I am Jaap Scherphuis, and this is my website.
I maintain several sub-sites here about things that interest me.
Here are a few other bits that don't have their own pages.
Downloadable version of my puzzle page, excluding the patent pdfs and large gallery images: puzzles.zip (36.4 MB)
The puzzle patents: patents.zip (86.0 MB)
The gallery: gallery.zip (676 MB)
Here are some javascript puzzle scramblers:
Rubik's Cube Scrambler for any size cube.
Megaminx Scrambler.
Square-1 Scrambler
Rubik's Clock Scrambler
Rubik's Clock Scrambler, graphical version
Rubik's Ufo Scrambler.
Download all scamblers.
Sudoku generator. Fast generator/solver for various sudoku variants. A Java applet.
My YouTube channel. Most of the videos are related to the mechanical calculators, but a few of the early ones are of magic tricks that I invented. Look at my playlists to find them more quickly.
Ever-increasing Beat is a quick demo of an auditory illusion used in the score for the movie Dunkirk.
Here (600K wav file) is a voicemail message someone left on my mobile phone some time in 2002. It is in a kind of German, and rather funny.
I have an old nokia phone (6021), and have written programs for it. To install a program on a Nokia you need the PC Suite software.
Twister.jar, Twister.jad, Source Code. Puzzle
game, like a 2d version of the Rubik's Cube.
Written by Jaap Scherphuis, website a t jaapsch d o t net, and @jaapsch.net on Bluesky.